Yun Liu (刘 运) is currently an Associate Professor with the College of Artificial Intelligence, Southwest University. He is also a Postdoctoral Fellow with School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, under the supervision of Prof. Weisi Lin (IEEE Fellow). He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science and technology from Sichuan University, China, in 2019. His current interests include image processing, computer vision and deep learning, mainly focusing on low-level computer vision tasks.



  • E. Chen, S. Chen, T. Ye, Yun Liu*. Degradation-Adaptive Neural Network for Jointly Single Image Dehazing and Desnowing. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2024, 18(2): 182707. (CCF-B, Corresponding author)
  • C. Li, E. Hu, X. Zhang, H. Zhou, H. Xiong, Yun Liu*. Visibility Restoration for Real-world Hazy Images via Improved Physical Model and Gaussian Total Variation. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2024, 18(1): 181708. (CCF-B, Corresponding author)
  • Z. Xia, Yun Liu*, X. Wang, F. Zhang, R. Chen, W. Jiang. Infrared and visible image fusion via hybrid variational model. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. 2024, E107-D(4): 569–573. (JCR-4, Corresponding author)


  • Yun Liu, Z. Yan, S. Chen, T. Ye, W. Ren, E. Chen. NightHazeFormer: Single Nighttime Haze Removal Using Prior Query Transformer. Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM ‘23). 2023: 4119-4128. (CCF-A)
  • Yun Liu, Z. Yan, J. Tan, Y. Li. Multi-purpose Oriented Single Nighttime Image Haze Removal Based on Unified Variational Retinex Model. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2023, 33(4): 1643-1657. (CCF-B, ESI Highly Cited & Hot Paper)
  • T. Ye, S. Chen, Yun Liu*, W. Chai, J. Bai, W. Zou, Y. Zhang, M. Jiang, E. Chen, C. Xue. Sequential Affinity Learning for Video Restoration. Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM ‘23). 2023: 4147-4156. (CCF-A, Corresponding author)
  • T. Ye, S. Chen, J. Bai, J. Shi, C. Xue, J. Jiang, J. Yin, E. Chen, Yun Liu*. Adverse Weather Removal with Codebook Priors. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision (ICCV). 2023: 12653-12664. (CCF-A, Corresponding author)
  • S. Chen#, T. Ye#, Yun Liu#, T. Liao, J. Jiang, E. Chen, P. Chen. MSP-former: Multi-scale Projection Transformer for Single Image Desnowing. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2023: 1-5. (CCF-B, co-first author)
  • H. Zhou, Z. Chen, Yun Liu, Y. Sheng, W. Ren, H. Xiong. Physical-priors-guided DehazeFormer. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, 266: 110410. (CCF-C, JCR-1)


  • Yun Liu, Z. Yan, T. Ye, A. Wu, Y. Li. Single Nighttime Image Dehazing Based on Unified Variational Decomposition Model and Multi-Scale Contrast Enhancement. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2022, 116: 105373. (CCF-C, JCR-1)
  • Yun Liu, Z. Yan, A. Wu, T. Ye, Y. Li. Nighttime Image Dehazing Based on Variational Decomposition Model. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops. 2022: 640-649. (CCF-A Workshop)
  • Yun Liu, P. Jia, H. Zhou, A. Wang. Joint Dehazing and Denoising for Single Nighttime Image via Multi-scale Decomposition. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022, 81, 23941-23962. (CCF-C, JCR-2)
  • H. Zhou, Z. Zhao, H. Xiong, Yun Liu*. A Unified Weighted Variational Model for Simultaneously Haze Removal and Noise Suppression of Hazy Images. Displays, 2022, 72, 102137. (JCR-1, Corresponding author)
  • T. Ye#, S. Chen#, Yun Liu#, Y. Ye, J. Bai, E. Chen. Towards Real-time High-definition Image Snow Removal: Efficient pyramid network with asymmetrical encoder-decoder architecture. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV). 2022: 366-381. (CCF-C, co-first author)


  • Yun Liu, A. Wang, H. zhou, P. Jia. Single Nighttime Image Dehazing Based on Image Decomposition. Signal Processing, 2021, 183, 107886. (CCF-C, JCR-2)
  • H. Zhou, H. Xiong, C. Li, W. Jiang, K. Lu, N. Chen,Yun Liu*. Single image dehazing based on weighted variational regularized model. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2021, E104-D(7): 961-969. (JCR-4, Corresponding author)

Academic Professional Services

  • Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Sensors Journal, Expert Systems With Applications, Knowledge-Based Systems, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Signal Processing, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Image and Vision Computing, Neurocomputing, Computer Science Review, Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Remote Sensing of Environment, Multimedia System, Imaging Science Journal, IET Image Processing, Electronics Letters, Optics and Laser Technology, Sensors, Remote Sensing, Chinese Journal of Electronics, etc
  • Guest Editor for Applied Sciences (Special Issue: Advance in Image Enhancement and Restoration Technology)
  • Guest Editor for Applied Sciences (Special Issue: UAV Remote Sensing and 3D Reconstruction)
  • Workshop Chair for CVDL 2024
  • Workshop Chair of PRMVIA 2023
  • Publicity Chair of ICISC 2024
  • Technical Program Committee of VRHCIAI 2023


  • Welcome students with relevant backgrounds (e.g. computer vision, deep learning, etc) who are interested in joining our lab.
  • Please feel free to contact me via email (